'Caroline' by 'Jon Foreman'

     This made the song of the week because of the story it tells, the girl it portrays, and the the questions it asks. Where is my heart now? Where do I put my treasure? Am I doing things that make me happy, but will eventually bring me down? Ask yourself these questions and really meditate on them. 
     I think sometimes we need to evaluate our hearts and consider how we treat it. And I'm not just talking about hearts in the sense of love, I'm speaking about your heart as your life, your soul. Realize what ideas you are filling it with. Are there things that you are polluting your heart with? I hope you love this song. Please give me a comment! It would mean the world for me to hear from you! Do you like this post better than last week? Would you like a weekly writing prompts? Are you liking these songs? What is you favorite song?


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