Not Dead

Writing Prompt
     Summarize in the comments the story in inspires in you and if you like mine!

     Everyone was terrified when the 'North Star' was predicted to explode, mostly because WWSP (World Wide Space Program) claimed that somehow a chemical will be released into our atmosphere infecting the whole world with an incurable disease (nobody was quite sure how this would work but when WWSP says everyone going to die, you bet your belly button everyone is gonna to die!). The day this was announced, the world panicked worst then any other time in history. I mean, people went nuts! Talk started about how we were all going to move to Mars. Or live on a giant spaceship or something. Personally, I felt like the only sane person on planet earth. If was gonna die, I was gonna die, and there was no point in stressing out about it.
     As was expected, by only me and perhaps you, the people of Earth did not dwell in this state for long. There are too many brilliant minds out there for us not to find a solution. A drug was created to sustain human life, at least a little while. It was released to the public 3 days before the stupid star collapsed. I, being the smart person I am, pre-ordered as much as I could, not wanting to die and all. Unfortunately I was not exceptionally smarter then the rest of planet earth, for they also bought as much as they could, leaving me with a meager hundred days worth. I lived as one ought to with death looming over head, or should I say hanging in the very air around me. I ate what I wanted, did what I was in the mood for and ignored the sum of people who died immediately after the star reeked havoc on the world because they had not the funds to by life giving medicine. After a time, WWSP came out with improved medicine, but of course I had already spent my life savings on the first batch. My stash grew smaller and smaller.
     Finally my day came, I was supposed to die that evening. but as you are currently reading my words, I obviously did not. In fact, something amazing happened. Something more amazing then me simply not dying... I somehow could fly. For some crazy reason I had X-ray /laser vision. Beats me how, but I was in possession of super strength. At first I was convinced that I was in heaven, (to be honest, I was kinda disappointed, with the streets not being gold and all)but no, that couldn't possibly be it, for it was night, at the time, plus I was still exhausted from yesterday's work. Anyone who knows anything knows that in heaven there is no night and one is never tired. Maybe, I thought, I'm only dreaming, so I did what only a sane person would do who finds himself to be dreaming with the ability of flight. I flew to an ice cream factory and had a little party! When asked the question of what you would do in a dream with the power to fly, if your answer what any other than the former, you may know for curtain that you are, indeed, quite crazy.
     You may have figured out that I was not dreaming. I fell into a sugar coma and woke the next morning in a giant bucket of fudge ice cream with a massive headache. Once I had fully recovered, I was struck with the astonishing question of what, in the name of all things creamy, was I supposed to do. Should I tell the world my story and the possibility of each person unlocking their own powers? Or should I become a mystery superhero, who never shows his face? Would it be best to just do nothing, so that evil-doers have not the faintest idea of their true potential? What do you think? 



If no one comments I will have to myself, which would be very sad. Indeed it would.


  1. This is good, Chloe. Keep writing. I want to see more!


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